Zend Framework had been launched in early 2005 in the technical market. While, at that time other frameworks like Ruby on Rails and
Spring Framework had been in advance establishing their reputation in the web development area. Despite facing the tough competition it was realized that zend development had taken over the web market leaving all the competitors’ way back into the
darkness of the new updates technological benefits. Zend Framework application development is, however, open-source software for PHP5 framework. The chief vigor is
that which shows the extremely modular Model-View-Controller design. It makes the code reusable and eases the process of its maintenance. The other strengthening
feature is the flexible architecture which facilitate in enriching interactive web applications without much efforts.
Zend framework is the best framework for Web application
development. With no trouble it makes possible that the separation of business logic from user interface design is done. We can take CakePHP then CakePHP for instance
as they have very strict naming and code organization conventions. However, Zend simply enforces conventions when it is employing the MVC capabilities. Zend supports
all the databases including Oracle, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL etc. PHP developers can utilize Zend's various components without developing it within the framework
zend framework application development is now a days the first choice of developer
specifically, when they want to access more control over application design. The built-in support for web services is also taken care of as it endows with the high
degree of elasticity in application development.
The experienced team of Zend application can implicitly apply the solution that will enhance the services with efficiency of the workers
for everlasting returns of your business.
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